Friday, December 19, 2008


Yesterday, Anna and I went to Yesterday’s to celebrate Anna’s (21-forever-and-always-amen-or-was-it-18?) birthday!

They served our drinks in cute jars. I love how the diet Coke looks against the glass and ice along with the lemon wedge (for taste and, yes, visual accent). I used to wash my paintbrushes in similar jars at the Art & Design Center! Awesome.

Anna ordered a custom salad with chicken and raspberry vinaigrette.

I ordered fish tacos with their homemade Ranch dressing.

After our food, our waitress and her accomplice brought out our desserts and put this orange party hat on Anna and had the entire section of our eating area sing for Anna. That lady in red looks jealous.

Strawberry cheesecake, yum-o.

I ordered their banana cream pie. It was delicious.

Happy birthday, Anna!

I love you. ♥

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Last week, the first week of December, my workplace had our newly formed integrated office open house. In order to better utilize space, my boss and I moved to the attic to create a print design studio. I like my workspace, hidden filing system beneath my desk and pole:

During a typical work day, Ammiel shows Jesse and me during an afternoon break how gravity works by pulling objects towards the center. I guess that astronomy class she takes (‘took’ since finals are over now) helps her learn practical things she is able to implement in real life (that is, spiraling around a chair using only your arms, etc.). Jesse likens it to an ice skater, think triple axels. Design kids are so genius. Marsupials, really? Brilliant.

Speaking of Ammiel/Jesse, they both got matching iMacs for work! No longer will you have to lug your laptops everywhere (or at least to work, yeah?)...

I love their keyboards.

I tried to get a video conference going via iChat/AIM/Skype with Tawny and Irv (post-five, Nades-Justin-Keri, etc.) using the Jesse-Jesse monster, aka Studio Five, but to no avail.

Why are you hiding, Tawnya Lipoon? Boo...

So the real reason why I am blogging is to share the happenings of Fridays, both the fifth and yesterday, hence the title of this entry. A week from yesterday (the last day of our open house which was also Dead Friday for the University), we all load up in the afternoon with student workers galore and head to South Bend, Ind., for bowling and (macaroni, etc.) pizza.

Ammiel bowls with style, observe:

I think Jesse had three strikes in a row bowling from way behind the wooden floor.

Boss Justin had the highest score at the end of the event.

Beware of the pink bowling ball...

Thursday night, Josh comes to visit and brings Jully with him. This did not happen on a Friday, but I just wanted to get a picture of her in here somewhere...

...and back to yesterday (a Friday), Ammiel calls with a hankering for Japanese food. We end up at Mikado Japanese nearby Notre Dame on Dixie Way.

Ammiel adds ‘in bed’ after our fortunes.

Afterwards, Ammiel wants to shop for Christmas cards. We contemplate Borders and Target and decide on Target. I saw this black swimsuit, thought of Beyoncé-Jael-Ellen-Nades and had Ammiel pose with the piece. Jump on it, ladies! Put your hands up! I need me a black robo-glove, stat.

Alright, obligatory random art-fart shots.

My Bat-Signal to summon my...un-LVoe via sign language...

Can you guess what this is?